Technology has made business transactions no longer solely confined to offline stores, urging businesses to develop business websites. Statistically speaking, about  81% of shoppers use the internet to do the necessary research before buying a product or service.

Being visible online can help your business to get a good number of potential customers online. An online presence can also generate leads that can be nurtured into future customers.

To build anything, what you need is a team. For a high-performing website that offers a seamless user experience, does not get bugs frequently, and offers the brand its online identity, you will need the A-team.

You have two options:

  • Build the web development team in-house. That means you will be assembling the entire team to start the work from scratch. Or,
  • Outsource the project to a  web development company.

To this day, some companies prefer building their very own development team and having them in-house while others prefer a web development outsourcing company. Many new businesses have a burning question “Inhouse or outsource web app development?”

I am here to tell you that outsourcing your website development is the better and more effective way, and how to outsource web development projects. Let’s have a look:

The Difficulties Of In-House Development

#1 Small projects with a longer timeline

Step one of a web development project is drafting and designing the layout. Getting the requirements right is the priority.

When you hire and assemble a new in-house team, deciding a deadline for your project can be tricky. Getting the work done as planned is difficult as the developers haven’t coordinated with each other before.

An in-house team doesn’t have the experience to come up with a solid design layout. They do not have guidance because either they’re new or you are new.

#2 The tedious recruitment process

Companies worry about how they would manage developers. But the real issue is hiring developers and building a solid team.

Let’s say you wish to establish and dominate online. You would need mobile apps for Android and iOS and a website. Suppose you wish to have an In-house team. In that case, You will have to hire iOS and Android app developers, project manager, business analyst, interactive designer, front-end web developer, and back-end web developer.


This will take weeks, if not months to scrutinize, interview and build the team. Remember, we haven’t even started the documentation yet. Additionally, there is the cost of recruiting employees. Even then, the success of the project is questionable.

#3 In-house Web App Developers Are Expensive

The hiring process eats up a lot of time. Once hired, paying your developers is the next challenge.

The tricky part here is that once your website is online, there will only be a little development work involved. A lot of your web development team’s routine would be to test functionalities, scheduled code maintenance, and figure out and fix bugs.

For small responsibilities like these, you cannot hire and retain developers. However, you still have to pay them full-time salaries and give them all the necessary employee benefits and training.

Having an in-house team only makes sense when you have regular web projects coming in and have a long-term scope of adding new functionalities. Because of this reason, business owners get the wrong idea of hiring freelancers.

The next line of expenses comes in the form of technical stuff. Companies have to set up machines with high-end configurations and buy licensed software which usually has an annual renewal fee.

When you take these facts and see the big picture, having an in-house web development team can be a liability for the organization.

Benefits Of Outsourcing Web Development

#1 Live testimonies to prove their capabilities

How would you know that the team you assembled can get the job done? Individually, you know their capabilities because it is on their resume but that isn’t indicative that the team will perform well.

When you choose an outsourcing web development company, you can go through their previous projects before officially getting a contract with one. You should check reviews and testimonies to get to know about their services and expertise.

Here’s another fact about an outsourcing company: you already get an immediate stamp of approval from the company. This is because you would’ve heard about them from a fellow business owner or an online review from your favorite tech bloggers. If they like them, chances are you would too.

If you already have your in-house team, bringing in new developers offers perspective, knowledge, and guidance. All these that your in-house team will benefit from.

#2 Get your website delivered on time

Business is all about time. So you must choose the option that can get the work done in a shorter time.

Projects can be done much faster if you hire web developers from outsource web development companies. They are already set with a team and have all the equipment and software licenses needed for your project. As a result, they can take on the project right away and deliver on time.

The problem with maintaining an in-house team is you have to conduct business meetings on the progress, changes in requirements, suggestions, and more.

Some developers consider that as a time-consuming and interrupting process.

When you partner with an external web development company, they get the business requirements clear before starting the project. That way, the delivery process becomes smoother than ever.

#3 Technically, outsourced web development teams are just better

You may find it challenging to find a specialist for every section of website development for an in-house web development team. But, a website designing outsourcing company has a sufficient number of specialists available for the required skill set.

Let’s see this with an example:

You want to build an online boutique or maybe start your clothing line. The first set of people you want is front-end, backend, or better a few full-stack developers. These people are on the frontline.

Next, you would want database administrators or DevOps Engineers to work on the production databases. Finally, you will need content creators and digital marketing personnel to write great content that makes your products marketable.

Think about the recruitment process, the experience that these new members possess, and the track record. On the technical side, you will need to set up a new machine with top-of-the-line specifications to help them work, expand your work premises and deal with them as full-time employees.

This is not good for a new business owner entering the market; this will occupy a huge chunk of business capital.

That’s why to choose an Outsource web development company and not worry about a thing.

You will consider the company’s experience and track record as a whole. To always deliver the best results, they rely on experienced developers who have already dealt with other business owners. .

#4 Better scalability

Scalability is one of the many benefits of outsourcing web development. If you successfully borrow a reliable vendor, there will be opportunities to scale up and down. Considering the project and its duration, you can increase or decrease the number of tech specialists on the team. Scalability also helps in staying right at your set budget.

You can also change the number of specialists in a group as per your requirements. But, for an in-house web development team, this process becomes a hectic task. Changing the number of employees in an organization is difficult.

#5 No compromise in quality

Quality is the primary concern for any business.

From a development standpoint, monitoring your in-house team will require time in the form of constant meetings and calls. The problem here is what if the product isn’t that good? What if there is a ton of room for improvement? Here’s the bad part: what if it constantly encounters bugs?

These are common problems you will face with an in-house team. The goal here would be to launch the website and get it rolling. The code quality will not be a high priority.

As for the outsource web development companies, it is the other way around. You can discuss your desired time of delivery and they will deliver it on time. No doubt about that.

The big difference here is that the standards they follow are different. Their documentation process is so meticulous that even you, a normal business owner, would be able to read through and get a basic understanding of it.

#6 Hire anywhere in the world

One of the benefits of outsourcing web development is that you can hire anywhere in the world.

Communication is the key to successful project completion and web development is no exception. Conventionally, the in-house web development team is assumed to have better project management. But, that is not always the truth.

The COVID period clearly demonstrates that working from home has proven that remote collaboration works just as fine as managing a team in person.

The idea of a particular project may vary from person to person. Therefore, arranging several meetings before the execution of a project is of immense importance. Thanks to a ton of professional software like Microsoft Teams, Skype, and Slack (the most popular one so far), hire a web development company from anywhere around the world.

And finally, there will be no barrier in language as everyone will speak in English. There is no room for problems related to communication.

#7 Chances of failure is close to zero

When you choose an outsourcing company, they focus on delivering the best quality possible. That means there’s barely any room for error.

Most reputed companies arrange for regular training for the employees. They also do routine market research and are aware of the current market scenario. They have a research team with data analysts to ensure the success of the projects.

The experienced and skilled web developers cooperate with the research team to plan the project. They also note the information and details that you are handing them. Hence, when a project has outsourced web development services, the risk regarding the delivery of the project is minimal (if you spend some time doing due diligence).

#8 A professional way of conducting business

Going for a web development outsourcing company requires a completely professional approach. Once you sign a deal with an outsourcing web development company, you should follow certain protocols for data protection and to protect your project idea.

You must sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with the web development outsourcing company binding their employees as well as their subcontractors too.

Your contract must contain details about the data collection, transfer, and access. You must follow the General Data Protection Regulations so that no violation occurs. Even though monitoring is more convenient for in-house teams, monitoring outsourcing teams has become easier with the help of project management tools.

It will help you to be wholly involved in the project, and the process will be transparent. It will help the website designing outsourcing services to maintain close contact with you, and you can also track the task and give input.

The Message Is Clear

Outsource web development companies can help you create your dream project within your budget. Compared to the in-house web development team, they are faster as well.

The projects are more likely to get a better idea of execution as the web development outsourcing company will recruit experienced and specialized web developers to work on.

Therefore if you are looking for seamless service within an affordable budget you can go for an outsource web development company in India so that you can focus on your core business.


