Why Great Brand Design Matters and How to Invest in It?

So you have a small business that you want to grow. Awesome.

But did you know that customers are ready to pay 50% more for your products if you have a better brand name?

I know that sounds crazy but that’s the crazy power of brand positioning.

What is about positioning your brand online? What makes a great brand design? Questions like these are frequent and I am here to offer all the answers you need.

10 Reasons To Invest In Great Brand Design
Tesla and Apple share a common yet unique feature. Something that helped them to stay on top of their respective areas.

They always focussed on their quality and related it to their customers. They never attach the price tag. This made people pay attention to what they offer, no matter how much they cost.

That is what people remember. The value of the brand.

Most people think that brand design equals web design. Is that the truth though?

Close but there’s more to it. A great web design can set things up for your small business. Hoorah! You will make your online debut. But in the long run, branding accelerates your growth to another dimension.

Here are 10 reasons why you should consider investing in building your brand online.

Branding Is Everything
Brand Building Is A Process. Not A Product
Great Brands Build Great Trust
Design Speaks Volume
Passive Way Of Marketing Your Business
You Will Have A Patented Content Strategy
Your Design Elevates You Above The Crowd
Helps Your Website Stay Consistent
Your Employees Stay With You Longer
Significantly Boosts Your Sales And Traffic

Branding Is Everything
Once you were online, you knew from the start that at some point, you needed to scale up.

Guess what? All of your competitors think of the same thing.

A great brand design can reach a million customers without saying a word. Like Coca Cola.

Everybody in the world knows the red logo of Coca Cola. All thanks to great marketing tactics (and a long standing history of course). Their brand is positioned higher than any of its competitors and it’s no wonder they sell 1.9 billion bottles a day.

Colors, patterns and logos aren’t just an image for your business. After a few months, people start noticing it. After a few years, it becomes your identity.

I have an excellent article that helps you to pick the best color scheme for your website. Check that out.

Brand Building Is A Process. Not A Product
Whether it’s gardening, having a pet or building a brand design, what you need is consistency.

The major mistake that naive business owners do is to think that brand design is a one time job. You spend a few days doing the right things and that’s it.

That isn’t the case in reality.

These are the business owners who take the shortcut to build websites using DIY website builders. It is your business. Put in the extra work to design it through a web design company.

Websites face bugs and need fixes and improvements. Your strategies may change or you may scale up to introduce new products and services.

Whatever the case is, your brand will evolve too and you have to pay attention to developing it in the long run. You know what they say, “Change is the only constant”.

Great Brands Build Great Trust
Here’s a small task for you:

Pick any product from Amazon. Check out the product that has Amazon’s choice label. What you see here is the most sold and highly reviewed product under that category.

How and why did that happen?

Trust comes when someone else, other than you, approves something. People develop a sense of security when Amazon approves that product. And the 5-starred customer reviews are the evidence.

The best brands not only get great reviews but deal with customer queries promptly. 73% of customers love brands that have top-notch customer service.

Brand credibility is one of the top things that customers expect. All the top brands have already established theirs.

What about you?

Design Speaks Volume
So having a recognized brand is cool. So getting recognized is easy, right?


It takes 5 to 7 impressions for people to remember your brand so it is not going to be “love at first sight”.

This is where great web design comes in and why I advise to partner with the best web development company.

Sure, there are other easier, quicker options but the big dogs didn’t choose the easy way. Building a brand that people remember needs a unique flavor that only professional web design companies can offer.

So don’t settle for a freelance web designer to “save” money because in reality, you are losing out on a lot.

Passive Way Of Marketing Your Business
With digital marketing opening new platforms for businesses to advertise, the game is getting tougher everyday.

20% of small businesses fail after one year and I am not surprised. What is really surprising is that no matter what the weather is, the big brands always survive.

Again, let’s take Coca Cola here. The methods of marketing the soft drink might have changed over the years. Yet, it is still the king.

Every business needs a strong marketing game but there is one big difference. Businesses with a strong brand name do not rely on their marketing to bring them the sales.

They did the long years of brand positioning to reap the fruits today.

So where can you start? Start off by making your website more effective than ever before. Customizing your content creates a positive image on your brand for 82% of consumers. Time to get to work.

You Will Have A Patented Content Strategy
“Companies have a unique set of goals so their approach to content will obviously be unique, Duh!”

Have you heard about Nike’s “Nike by you” strategy?

Nike comes up with the best designs whether it is for a fashionista or a super athlete. With their new strategy, anyone can design their shoes. You get a blank canvas and you become the artist.

This puts Nike in a position way higher than its competitors, making Nike special. Don’t forget that this brings more traffic, better sales, and even new ideas for them down the line.

An “out of the box” content strategy is great because people related the strategy with the company. Spotify’s new year compilation made them unique too.

The top brands follow this approach which is why you should level up your content game. Now is the time to craft a content strategy for your business and register in the people’s minds.

Your Design Elevates You Above The Crowd
Going toe-to-toe with multi-billion dollar companies on day one is a far stretch. Yet you can show off like you are one of them.

Here’s how.

63% of customers look for specific brands when they want to buy a new smartphone. That means the brands they look at are only a handful and they are hyper-specific of what they want.

What do the top players of the tech industry have in common?

Uncompromised quality of their products.
Satisfying customer service.
High class web design.
Extended technical support.
This phenomenon is also true for clothing brands. Customers stick to the brands that have left a strong impression.

Did I just say a “strong impression”? There is no better option than to elevate your web design right now. But first, let’s remove the weeds first.

Read this article about the common web design mistakes. Fix them and you will see a significant difference in your results. Guaranteed.

Helps Your Website Stay Consistent
This is an indirect benefit that no one talks about.

When you focus on building your brand, you follow a set of rules and format.

You can find this in your ads, blogs, web design, and even in your weekly newsletters. That is all part of your identity.

In fact, customers want that from you. Facebook took a survey about customer loyalty and customers expected these 4 things from any brand:

Cost, quality, experience and consistency.

Here’s the benefit that I talked about. When you follow a consistent pattern, you save more money in the long run.

You spend less on designs, stick with a team to produce consistent content and retain loyal customers.

This is why you should hire a web development company because they are aware of this. A strong brand follows a consistent strategy so they design a website that goes hand in hand.

Your Employees Stay With You Longer
Apart from a great paycheck, employees expect their company to be at the top of the food chain.

Don’t you think so? 55% of job seekers won’t consider a company with bad online reviews. The top companies hire with the intention to retain the best employees.

A long term team results in strong output, helping both the company and the employee grow. Employees sticking with you means you don’t have to keep multiple job offers open and say goodbye to the “hire and fire” mess.

With a strong brand image, you can even save resources on hiring by 50%. So if you are looking to renovate your website, I recommend reading the 10 questions to ask a web designer before hiring.

Significantly Boosts Your Sales And Traffic
I saved the most obvious benefit in the end. Apple is the only $2 trillion dollar company.

That isn’t an amazing thing.

The real awe factor here is that the second trillion was made in just two years. That is the power of a strong brand.

Your sales and revenue continue to improve even if you introduce new product lines. 59% of customers buy your new products if they trust your brand.

And when you plan to go public, people recognize you more, bringing in more money. Building your brand and advertising it becomes a key factor here.

Companies like Apple are not common but you can adopt the same strategies. For eCommerce, I have a complete eCommerce checklist of things customers want. Check that out now.

Some Final Notes To Take Away
Building a brand takes time and a lot of work in the beginning. Once you set things up, it will pay you in dividends as long as you stay in business.

If there’s one takeaway from this blog, it is this:

Align with the right people from day one.

I suggest starting with your website first because that is your best mate online. We made businesses recognize their brand potential and now they are crushing it against the big names.

Being one of the premier web design companies in India, we specialize in helping businesses establish their presence online.

Okay, no more long descriptions. If you are pumped to get started, contact us right now and we can make it happen.


Rahul Gulati
Rahul Gulati is a founder and a web strategist at DevignTech. He helps small businesses make professional websites and apps that follows minimalist design approach. To tune up your small business website, contact him on rahulg@devigntech.com or reach out on Linkedin