You might wonder, “Does this make any difference to my business at all?” Of course it does.

I made a comparison on six website builders in the market and each one of them has different tools, making them unique.

So building your new business website now can vary anywhere from a few hours to even months. Yes, even months.

Here, I give how much time it takes for businesses of different sizes and requirements. Watchout for the small tips that help you save your time and money while building your website. Let’s go!

67% of businesses do not have a design strategy. So preparing it on day one becomes top priority.

When you sit down with your designer to plan things, they will assess your needs and offer an estimated time on when your website would be finished and ready to launch. In short, the more your needs, the longer it takes.

Spending a few days to lay out your web design strategy might look hectic but it saves a lot of time in the long run.

Another factor is the type of design you choose. If you choose someone new in the industry, their inexperience can drag things down the line. Would you compromise in the short term and suffer in the long term?

A good tip is to avoid freelance web designers and choose a professional web design agency that has a good track record.

The major factor of all these is the type of website you wish to create. Let’s dive deep to see how long each type takes to create.

The Components To Cover While Designing A Website

  1. The UI/UX Design

For every dollar you put into design your UI, you get an ROI of 9900%. That is insane!

That being said, the design can go wrong as well so it takes a lot of time to finalize the ONE that will go live. To give an accurate estimate, the final design could take from a week to a month.

  1. Hosting

Hosting is a two-part process. First, you buy the domain name and then figure out your hosting plan for your needs.

If you want a domain name and a hosting service online, Namecheap is a great spot. Once you register your website, it will take about 24 hours to reflect on your website.

  1. Graphic designs

Almost half of the small business owners consider graphic designing very important and are ready to spend up to $1000 for just their logo.

This highly depends on the type of website and the type of web design tool you choose. The logo, the banners, header and footer design, web copies, posters, and infographics are some that most websites share.

Consider all the above, a major chunk of time goes to this and can lie anywhere between 2 weeks to 5 weeks.

  1. Web content

Web content largely depends on the number of web pages you have. The more pages you have, the more time it takes. 58% of marketers still believe that text has the edge over videos and visuals.

You know that writing web content is not like writing a blog and is usually short. It’s SEO that takes the major portion of the time. You need optimized web content that can put you at the top of search engines.

That being said, the first draft, the preliminary revision, editing, and the final draft for a web page would take about 8 hours. Again, the more pages you want, the longer it takes to write for each page.

  1. Payment gateway

Payment gateways are core essentials for eCommerce websites selling products and services. The integration depends on the payment gateway provider and your business model taking about 2 to 3 days.

  1. Testing and Review

Before your website goes live, the team needs to do a final revision and test it for bugs. It might take a couple of hours if you design it with a DIY website builder and take about 8 hours if it’s designed from scratch.

Different Websites Have Different Requirements

Apart from your business, the type of website you want matters too.

#1 One Page Website

I have an article that shows how a conventional website and a single page website differ. Check that out.

Do you have a product to launch and market online? This is where a one-page website comes in handy. Sometimes, this could be an additional page. It doesn’t take a lot of time. With a DIY website builder, it would take 24 to 48 hours. With WordPress, you can build within a week but will stand out better.

No wonder why small businesses prefer WordPress a lot.

#2 Small Service Business Website

Now, these are for small businesses that have good sales numbers and want to make their online presence.

They will have all the basics; the homepage, a contact page, 2-4 main services page, and an about page. Testimonials are optional.

With a premium WordPress theme, building a 10 page small business website takes about 2 -3 weeks

If your design review is on time, results are achieved on or before time!

#3 Full Fledged Ecommerce Website

On one hand, you have a simple static website with few pages and on the other side, you have an eCommerce website. The bigger your business, the more complex the website gets.

A small business website sells an average of 8 products online. So you will need 8 pages for the products, payment gateways, the privacy policy, homepage, contacts page, and a newsletter (if you wish).

A small business ecommerce store can be set up in 3 weeks including design revisions.

So for a full-fledged eCommerce website to go online, it will take around 2-3 months. You got an idea to build your eCommerce website? Our eCommerce store checklist will come handy.

#4 Corporate Group Website

Are you building a big business that is into more than selling products and services online? Do you manage an online forum for your community? Do you have a platform where people enroll in courses and learn?

These websites need a detailed plan up front and the design process takes time anywhere from 1-3 months.

The implementation can be in different parts too. For example, you will implement the basic web pages first and then integrate the eCommerce and forums later.

Options To Create A Website

At the dawn of time, you had to build a website from scratch, from the UI to the backend.

Let’s find out what different options are available in the market for your business to select!

Content Management Systems

When we say CMS, it means WordPress. It’s the best in the business.

WordPress offers tons of options to create. You can choose free themes and develop them according to your business needs.

If you have a good budget, you can choose the paid themes and stand out from the crowd. They have thousands of plugins that help you build a complete website. YoastSEO, a popular plugin, is great to optimize your web content.

DIY Website Builders

With a little idea of designing, anyone can create a website online.

That is how things have changed today. Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly are the popular names out there with Wix and Squarespace dominating with a market share of 53%.

These website builders might look tempting as you could launch your website in less than two days. But in my opinion, avoid DIY website builders as they have several drawbacks of their own.

Custom Designing A Website

With technology offering you the easiest ways to create a website, do you wish to create one from scratch?

You need a strong web development team who have a diverse portfolio. You need to look into the technology they use to create any kind of website.

So which one is the best way to create your first website? I’ll let you decide.


I hope you got an idea on how long it takes to build a website. You saw that building your own business website is not a good idea.

It is the best investment you can make in this era so you need professional assistance. REach out to Gyan Devign Tech Services where we offer the best in class web development services.

We specialize in building websites using WordPress and Shopify. Seems we are on the same team. We would love to hear your business idea and help you make your online debut.

Contact us now and let’s make it happen.

